Creating and Applying Functions

Designing Reusable Code

Designing Reusable Code - Overview

  • Applying Functions

    Applying the Target Function
    Applying the weirdShape Function

  • Refactor With Functions

    Create terse code using functions

  • Assignment Assistance

    Last minute help with your assignments


A function is a self-contained module of code that can be reused. A helpful analogy for us as designers is to think of it as a template written in a way to be repeated.

You’ve been using the functions included with P5 such as size(), line(), and stroke() to write your programs, but it’s also possible to write your own functions to reuse code.

Functions make code more concise by extracting the common elements and making them into code blocks that can be run many times within the program. This makes the code easier to read and update and reduces the chance of errors.


Functions can take no parameters, or they can take multiple parameters that modify their actions. Parameters are defined for functions inside round brackets after their name.

Functions can be defined with different numbers of parameters, functions can behave different with a different number of parameters

                  createCanvas(1000, 1000);

                  fill(red, green, blue);
                  fill(red, green, blue, alpha);

Return Values

Functions may provide a value when they complete whatever task it is that they do, we call this the return value. Examples of functions that return values include the random() and the sin() functions that return values calculated based on parameters passed to them.

When a function is defined it will define the type of the values it returns. For example, one variant of the random() function is defined as: random(low, high)

Meaning that it takes takes two values and returns a decimal value when it is done.

Here were calling random(10,20);

Writing Your Own Functions

To write our own functions, we need to know how to declare a function. The general form of a function is:

Parameters can be any input that can be put into a varaible. We can create functions to perform all kinds of tasks. In general, we create functions to structure our code so that it becomes easier to read and improve consistency across our sketch.

                  function functionName(parameters) {

                  // We can also have mulitple parameters
                  function functionName(parameter1,parameter2,parameter3) {

Returning Values with your own functions

The keyword return is used to exit a function and return to the point in the program from which it was called.

When a function outputs a value, return is used to specify what value should be returned. The return statement is typically the last line of a function because functions exit immediately after a return. If a function returns a value, the function almost always appears to the right of an assignment operator or as a part of a larger expression.

A function that does not return a value is often used as a complete statement. If a function’s return value is not used immediately, or assigned to a variable, the value will be lost.

                // Our function takes a parameter called spacing
                function posX(spacing) {
                  // we can see it here being used to create a
                  // margin for random numbers
                  let x = random(spacing, width-spacing);
                  return x;

Writing Your Own Functions which return values

Here is an example where there is a funciton being used as tool to help us get random values bewteen a range. This may be helpful if we are repeating this type of funciton several times.

                  function setup() {
                    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

                  function draw() {
                    // our funciton xPos is being called with a spacing of 100
                    ellipse(posX(100), height/2, 100);
                    rect(posX(100), height/2, 100,100);

                  // Our function takes a parameter called spacing
                  function posX(spacing) {
                    // we can see it here being used to create a
                    // margin for random numbers
                    let x = random(spacing, width-spacing);
                    return x;

Writing Your own functions which draw to canvas

Here is a custom function that draws a target shape with a few custom parameters to create a target shape. We have all of the drawing function and styles commands within the function. With this function we can create a target, dictate it's x and y coordinate on the canvas, the radius and the number of stripes within the target. Structuring sketches with appropriate functions like this allow for us to have terse code that creates consistent results.

                  function target(xPos, yPos, size, circleNum) {


                  	for(let i = 0; i < circleNum; i++) {
                        // every second loop alternate the color of the ellipse
                  		if(i % 2 == 0) {
                  		} else {
                        // Calculate the size of the ellipse needed in each loop
                  		let currentSize =  size - i*size/circleNum;
                  		ellipse(xPos, yPos, currentSize);


Applying The Target Function Challenge


Creating custom shapes in P5.js

We can create custom shapes using three functions together beginShape, vertex and endShape. This is fairly basic example, check the referece for more ways to work with beginShape

                  function setup() {
                  	createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

                  function draw() {

                  	let xPos = mouseX;
                  	let yPos = mouseY;


                    // this point is controled by the mouse
                  	vertex(xPos, yPos);
                  	vertex((width/4)*3, height/4);
                  	vertex(width/4, height/4);



weirdShape Function

This is a small function that produces a random shape every time it is called. We can see that it requires 4 parameters xPos, yPos, size and points.

                  function weirdShape(xPos, yPos, size, points) {
                    // style functions

                    // We are telling p5.js that we are going to create a new shape
                      // Here we are starting a for loop which defines how many points we are going to have
                  		for(let i = 0; i < points; i++) {
                        // These vertexes will be based off the xPos and yPos we give it then
                        // it will devate by a random number by size in either direction
                  			vertex(xPos + random(-size,size),yPos + random(-size,size));
                    // After all the random vertexes are drawn we say that the custom shape is complete
                    // Then it is draw to the actual canvas


Applying The weirdShape Function Challenge


Refactoring Functions

functions often can become a requirement for neat and readable code when you start developing a sketch. If you find yourself repreating yourself this may be an opportinty to create a funciton to tidy things up. Additionally we can use funcitons centralise code so we only have to edit a few lines of code instead of several.

Here we can see a side by side of code where there is an opportinty to create a small function to shorten the code.

                  function setup() {
                    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

                  function draw() {
                    // We can see here that there is an opporunity to make this code a bit neater
                    let random1 = random(100, width-100);
                    ellipse(random1, height/2, 100);

                    let random2 = random(100, width-100);
                    rect(random2, height/2, 100,100);


                  function setup() {
                    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

                  function draw() {

                    ellipse(posX(100), height/2, 100);
                    rect(posX(100), height/2, 100,100);


                  // Our function takes a parameter called spacing
                  function posX(spacing) {
                    // we can see it here being used to create a
                    // margin for random numbers
                    let x = random(spacing, width-spacing);
                    return x;

Refactor With Functions Challenge


Assignment Questions

Remember the assignment is due next Monday at 11:59pm!